Harvesting the heat from the air to heat your water.
Hot water is a basic household need and there are few things more soothing than relaxing in a warm shower or bath. There are however, few things more frustrating than running out of hot water just when you want it. With a heat pump, reliable hot water is always on tap, regardless of the weather. An energy efficient heat pump is a great way for households to reduce their energy consumption and cost of living.
They are ideal for the replacement off old electric water heaters, where residential gas reticulation is not available and when roof- mounted solar collectors are not feasible.
To understand the concept of heat pumps, imagine a refrigerator working in reverse. While a refrigerator removes heat from an enclosed box and expels that heat to the surrounding air, a Heat Pump takes the heat from surrounding air and transfers it to water in an enclosed tank.
Heat pump technology makes efficient use of the heat in the surrounding air, even at temperatures as low as -70C. In fact the Enviroheat system is so efficient that it can convert 1kW of electricity into over 4kW of heat.